Simon & Schuster
Prepper's Canning Guide | Daisy Luther
[Ulysses Press]
A practical and approachable guide to amassing an emergency food supply filled with your own natural dishes
As the disaster drags on for days, weeks, months or even years, food scarcity and starvation will fuel people’s desperation. Even preppers like you will need more than dried beans and rice to survive. With The Prepper’s Canning Guide, you’ll learn the lifesaving techniques to take your food storage to the next level, including how to:
• Store nutrition-packed foods
• Create delicious MREs
• Can protein-rich meat and poultry
• Make canned produce last longer
• Use time-tested water-bath methods
• Utilize modern pressure canning
From food safety guidelines to grid failure canning tips, this book will guarantee your family stays safe, secure and well-fed.