Red Wheel/Weiser LLC
Pocket Zodiac Cards
The Pocket Zodiac is wisdom on hand for every sign! Twelve Zodiac Pocket Mini Card sets to choose from.
40 magical messages from the stars to help guide you on issues love, career, family, and health. From the moment we are born, the universe begins to speak to us -- not with words, but with stars, planets, and celestial bodies. The position of the stars at the moment we came into the world assigns us a zodiac sign and binds us to it. That zodiac sign represents our compass, our personal universal key to decipher the messages of the cosmos and orient ourselves in the world. Draw a card as needed for advice and guidance or pick a card at random and listen to what the universe is telling you!
The card messages are curated by a reputable and successful astrologer! Every deck features forty cards with ten cards in each of these four categories: love, family, well-being, and career. The small, magnetic-closure box means that the user can take their wisdom with them and use it whenever and wherever they need it!
Astrology-Affirmations-Zodiac-Birth Month-Mini Cards-Oracle